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Who am i? I'm your best partner in your office

Just like Pengcheng all high quality office products, I, look aesthetically great while representing great value and durability.


The impressive of 2 person electric height adjustable desk is perfect for any working environment, whether at home or for an office fitout. I focus on the ergonomics of your working environment as I understand the importance of feeling good while producing quality work, which is why you can stand and sit at my left or right sided return height adjustable desk while at a variety of heights!

Who am i? Im your best partner in your office(图1)



And I am a 2 person electric office height adjustable desk that is height adjustable. I've been tested to support up to 120kg. 


The health risks of sitting for too long without end has been brought to light and Pengcheng emphasises the need to move around and get up on your feet while in your working space. 


I can improve your teams health and improve the energy of the room.  I come in white, maple, so I can fit in aesthetically to any work space and fit out. Just choose me in your office or home.


Looking for a solution to your bad back? Feeling tired in the afternoon? We have the solution! My clean design allows you to manually switch between sitting and standing. Add a partition to easily create private and effective work spaces. For a healthier workplace, choose Pengcheng PCES-1250W in your office.

About us

Contact Us

Contacts : Aaron Chan

Skype : Aaron Chan

Tel : +86 138 1503 0729

Whatsapp : +86 138 1503 0729


Address : South part of Cuiqiao industrial Zone of Henglin Town, east of Changzhou City, Jiangsu Province, China
